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Buy From China

In this post, we’ll let you know about the most common mistakes that importers do when buy from China. We have more than 15 years of experience in shipping buy direct from china

In these years, we worked with every kind of supplier and serve more than 50,000 customers and get so much experience from them.

 In this article, we share our experience for you just to save you from the mistakes that many businesses included us do in the starting while buy from China.
Are you excited?

Kindly read this article. We are going to comprehensively discuss those mistakes one by one that importers do while buy from China.


buy from china

Common Mistakes when buy from China

The list of mistakes while buy from China are listed below:

  1. Common Mistakes by importers when choosing products.
  2. Common Mistakes by importers when buying products from Alibaba.
  3. Common Mistakes by importers when looking for and visiting suppliers In China.
  4. Common Mistakes by importers before great production for your product.
  5. Common Mistakes by importers when communicating with Chinese suppliers.
  6. Common Mistakes by importers when paying suppliers.



1. Always looking for FAD

The common mistake that most businesses, while buy from China do, is that they always go after the Fad. Sometimes, it will be helpful for you but in most cases, it proves very hazardous for you. 

The best practice is that always focus on the products related to your niche and never going after the fad.

For example: Let me share my experience with you. Approximately, four years ago, in 2016 and 2017 my two friends earned a lot of money from fidget spinner bewildered. 

But as some time passed, the demand for that spinner decreased suddenly.

So, they faced a huge loss from it. That’s why it’s a friendly suggestion that never going after fad.

2-Choosing the Low-Value products

Choosing the low-value products while buy from China wholesale may cause the following problems:

  • Great Competition
  • Low- Value added
  • Very less profit although the product price is low.

The price of low-value items will never increase so much. The price of bottle openers can’t be increased even if they will be packed in fancy packaging

Moreover, you can find thousands of sellers who are selling the same productLet me share another experience with you. 

Back in 2107, one of our customers bought disposable food containers and started selling on Amazon. Even the price was very low but he can’t make so much profit from it. 

Because many other sellers selling the same product. As result, many of those products are still placing in the warehouse.

3-Selecting big size products, that’s why paying more shipping cost

The other big mistake by importers when buy from China wholesale is that most businesses choose large or big-size products.

As a result, they have to pay a higher cost for their shipping. The increase in shipping cost, decrease the profit.


4- Believing that dealing with the factory is the suitable option

Dealing with factories rather than trading companies is another common mistake when buy from China. According to them, factories can give more suitable prices than trading companies. 

We can’t deliver a message that they are wrong. We just want to say that it’s wrong to bound yourself to factories while ignoring your business model and scale.

Both factories and trading company have their advantages. But it is the best practice to prefer the trading company rather than factories in some cases.

5-Only choosing the cheaper supplier

Cheaper price always attracts the seller. In the market, there’s always the supplier with the cheapest quote. 

I don’t mean that not to choose those suppliers but sometimes it may cause many problems when buy directly from china wholesale.

Many sellers in beginning surely faced this scam. Such suppliers stuck you by giving you the greed of low shipping cost

But once you paid to them, they will increase their prices using different excuses. You are scammed now. 

What’ll be your reaction? You ask them to refund your money? That’s your dream that will never come true.

6-Replying on Alibaba gold supplier blindly

Some guides, tutorials, YouTubers, and so-called, experienced importers may convince you to choose the Alibaba gold supplier. But it’s a friendly suggestion that if you do it while buy from China, it’ll the biggest mistake of your life. 

According to them, gold and great are equal and they assume that the supplier would be great.

The reality is that most of the suppliers on Alibaba are great suppliers. Astonishing? If you don’t know about a gold supplier. 

Let me tell you about a gold supplier. The gold supplier is that who paid for membership. 

The funny thing is that everyone can get a membership by paying Alibaba. In short, the quality of suppliers can never be judge by the gold suppliers. 


buy from china


7.-Few importers who don’t do any research about suppliers in China and coming to China

If you don’t do any research about sourcing in China and directly coming to China for buying from China, you are doing one of the wildest mistakes of your life. 

I saw many helpless people in China just because they didn’t have enough information that they might have about sourcing in China.

So, it’s necessary to do proper research about sourcing before coming to China to avoid any uncertain problems.

8-Sourcing their products, not at the suitable place in China

Not sourcing products at the right place in China is the common mistake that most importers do when bulk buy from China.

There are many industrial clusters in China. Each cluster has its specialization. So, sourcing your product in the right industrial cluster.


9-A sample is not of your standard

If the supplier sends you the sample and it would not meet the standard of your products. But the supplier ensures you that the massive product would be according to your requirements.

In such a condition, ask the supplier to send another sample. If they refuse it or send you some kind of sample again, then it’s better to change the supplier. 

Because you’ll get the same product at the end that will cause great trouble for you. And one thing more than the serious supplier will never send you the low-quality sample.



10-Most importers rely only on email for communication and not having any alternate tool

Another common mistake when buying from China is that most suppliers rely only on email and don’t have any alternate messaging tool. 

It’s better to use Email for commutation because it considers authentic in case of any dispute. But you must have the contact number or any other messaging tool in case of any emergency.



11-Some importers forget to check the vacation schedule when buy from China during the payment process.

It is mostly happening that some importers do not check the holiday schedule in china. When they are paying the suppliers for bur how to buy from china.

These days, the payments will be transferred late to your supplier’s account. As a result, the suppliers sometimes don’t release.

The cargo because they transfer their shipment once if they would get their payment. So, avoid paying on Chinese holidays.

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